Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Cleaning up Beaver"

"Cleaning up Beaver"

The Beaver is a gosh darn mess, but only in comparison to squeaky clean Wally. This does NOT bode well to Ward!

June’s first look!

Freshly aftershaved

Jeans and sweatshirts

June the perfectionist

Teenage pout machines

What about the Beaver?

Dirt Squad

Oh, Larry. Bless your apple-eatin’ heart.

June’s second look!


June’s third look!

Ah, a perfect shoe shine!

Clean kid / dirty bathroom

Soap Scum

June’s fourth look!



Just a lamp. Phew!

Classic case of hatchet under the pillow

Cat fiasco!

Wake up, Wally!

Best bud bros!

Meeting the Beav half-way

Cool brother deals. You wouldn’t understand.

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Lonesome Beaver"

"Lonesome Beaver"

S01E20 - Louise and Jon chat about the 20th episode of Season 1 of Leave it to Beaver, "Lonesome Beaver".

Wally joins the boy scouts and Beaver realizes he doesn't know what to do with himself when he's alone.

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Reading the ol pape!

June’s first look!

Optimistic Beaver

Tooey’s mom is the boss at the Brown household

Beautiful Scoutmaster Norton

Rules are rules youngin’

Serious formal scouting

Cue the sad Peanuts music

Imagine this opening with the wind and creaking

Jerry Mathers: Actor

“That’ll be good for you, Wally.”

Scouts in a truck bed Life in the Fast Lane guitar riff!

June’s second look!

Holding a compass and also looking for direction.


The right to bear hands

Silent judgement

I’ve been hit…with loneliness :(

I’m dead, lady!

I would name her Pearl Clutcherson

I would name her Whitney Whitney (Whitey Whitney’s mom)

The Sand[not a]lot

Mean Chester Anderson

Ward gets called off the course

Auxiliary Fireman Gus

Best song ever

Ward finds the Beav

Suddenly the dead of night

Camping was called off

June’s third look

Precautionary bed rest

June’s fourth look!

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"The Bank Account"

"The Bank Account"

S01E19 - Wally and the Beav save some cash, and even though they want new baseball mitts, Ward tries to encourage them to put the money into a bank account at school. Hell breaks loose when the kids decide the use the money to buy a new hunting jacket for Ward.

Oh, and Louise hates it when people have a first name for a last name.

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Sitting cool

Cat oven mitt and the creepy piggy bank

June’s first look!

Several months later…

Months later, same look!

June’s second look!

Hey…what’s this?!

On the lookout for Assistant Principal Boongarten

June’s third look

Counting it all up

The schnazziest Scottish hunting jacket in all the land

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Child Care"

"Child Care"

S01E18 - The Beaver and Wally are pumped for a weekend at the auxiliary fire station when they get a rude awakening - a 4-year-old nuisance named Puddin!

Louise and Jon break it down and revel in the joy of a few new characters.

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It’s the June Cleaver paper doll!

June’s first look!

Let’s get a closer look at June’s first look. Cool necklace, June!

June’s second look! Wow!

A closer look at June’s 2nd look!

June’s clutch

(Wally Cleaver/Owen Wilson voice) WOW!

Meet the Wilsons

Puddin’ in a pen

What the heck is Mary Jane?!

Precision chaos

Ready steady

Sounds like my hair tonic!

Shoe boats!

Ladder business

Never before has a child been more calm on a roof

Too big a’noggin

Flood time!

Another giant dome

Meet Benji!


I Have a Great Idea, But I’ll Never Do it available on apple podcasts, google podcasts, stitcher, and more!

I Have a Great Idea, But I’ll Never Do it available on apple podcasts, google podcasts, stitcher, and more!



Dial P for Pete


Now that’s a savin’ ladder!

Thanks for saving the day. Bye now!

June’s 3rd look!

Detective Ward Cleaver

Can’t let mom and dad know how irresponsible we are!

June’s 3rd look + apron

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"The Paper Route"

"The Paper Route"

S01E17 - Wally and The Beaver want a new bike, so they pick up a paper route, much to their parents' disappointment. Once things start to go awry and Ward and June try to help, the poop hits the propellor. But not to worry, Louise and Jon are here to make sense of it all!

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June’s first look!

Another look at June’s first look

Impossibly close brothers

A lesson in nonchalance

The Generic Times— I mean the Courier Sun

The hiring

“Old Man” Merkel

The threat!

June’s second look!

Courier Sun on June’s new marigolds

Pay no attention to these newspapers

Get that hand outta my face!


Wally’s turn

A real bush-league throw

June’s third look!

A second look at June’s first look

June is the best mom ever! Sorry Mare and Andi!

Too heavy for the little guy

The rain in Mayfield falls mainly on the Planefield

Wet Wally

Ward will secretly help out, too

Bank to the future!

June’s fourth look!

The leftover unused papers

June’s fifth look!

Riding the tailgate

Adult interference

Ok, Nappy McNapperson

Raking for the paper

Driver’s side

“How’dya like this, Marge?!”

The firing

Wondering what went wrong

Sore-armed meddlers

June’s sixth look!

June’s seventh look!

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Lumpy Rutherford"

"Lumpy Rutherford"

S01E16 - Beaver and Wally are at it again when a local bully starts giving them the business. After Ward tells them a story about how he handled a bully when he was a kid, Wally and the Beav get themselves in a bind when they emulate their awful father's past.

June's first look!


Did someone order a knuckle sandwich?!

Ward tells a story from his awful past as a bad person

5. P is for pennant, plaid, poor parenting, and pissed

Barrel hoops! There it is!

June's 2nd look...for BRIDGE NIGHT!

Guilty paranoia

Beav's spot-on impersonation of Ward

The Pajama Brothers

Classic TV table setup

Beav Cassidy and the Sundance Older Brother

D is for Dumb-Dumb Daddy-o

Don't become the bully


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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Party Invitation"

"Party Invitation"

S01E15 - The Beaver is invited to a party and he'll be the only boy. OH NO! THE HORROR! Wally puts the FEAR OF GOD into Beaver that the girls are going to KISS HIM! WHY GOD WHY?!?!?!

Visit LouiseItToBeaver.comfor images from the episode

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School Scavenger Hunt!

Of course the shoe is in the waste paper basket

What a coincidence

The new girl OR Leave it to SHEver?!

Linda <3 Beaver

Actually a very cool shot demonstrating a passed note in class


A walk home AMBUSH

Verifying which fellas got invited to Linda's party

Wally Cleaver: Banana Model


June's first look v2.0

Get well soon, Elephant Ears

Ward, Jr.

June's 2nd look

Party Protest


Ward is gender-blind

Bored little party boy

A birthday party raffle -- everyone has those, right?

Hello, Dolly!

Swish! Nothing but helmet!

Chairman of the bored

Beav escapes to the Man Cave


June's THIRD look

June's third look v2.0

And of course, a clip from the Gilligan’s Island episode written by the same writer as Party Invitation. Surpsised?

Copyright 1967 Turner Entertainment Co.

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Part Time Genius"

"Part Time Genius"

S01E14 -The Beaver gets the highest score on a school-wide test. As a result, his friends don’t like him anymore and the school thinks he should be taught someplace for super smart kids. But what they don’t know is that Beaver is just your average kid.

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Listen to our other podcast, I HAVE A GREAT IDEA BUT I’LL NEVER DO IT

June's FIRST look!

Bored Ward is going out of his gourd! Check out Wallace "Corny" Cornelius talking his ear off.

June's face = Louise's face while listening to this awful writing

The boys NOT studying for the IQ test

Fixing incorrect math in his mind!

The intelligence test begins....NOW!

June's CRAZY 2nd look

June's 2nd look doesn't look as crazy from afar

June's third look.

Cool chair, Corny!

Mad @ Smarts // Larry eats ANOTHER apple

Meeting of the adult minds

June's million dollar glare

...but where's the baseball field?

June's 4th look!

June's 5th look! So many June looks!

June is impec

Ms. Canfield and Charlie (the new kid) straighten things out


Next time on Louise it to Beaver...THE PARTY INVITATION

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Voodoo Magic"

"Voodoo Magic"

S01E13 - Eddie Haskell talks Wally and the Beaver into betraying their parents' trust. When they get caught in their lie, Eddie has hell to pay.

June's first look!

Eddie Haskell: Professional Butt-kisser

The birth of lies

Eddie approves

Children and a man in a suit

Eddie thinking about being a jerk



June's first look v2.0

June's first look v2.1


June's official second look

Just like in the movie!

Mrs. Rayburn with an insane request


Big faker!

Leave it to Beaver to do the right thing

Sick day sodie-pop!

The taste of freedom (AND LIES!)

...and I stuck a pin in there

Suddenly feeling...actually sick!

June's third look!

June's FOURTH look

June's fourth look CLOSEUP!

So many looks! This is June's fifth.

Fool me once, Haskell!

The boys leaving the house with Eddie still in their room

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"The Perfume Salesmen"

"The Perfume Salesmen"

S01E12 - Beaver and Wally try to sell some stanky perfume in order to win a movie projector, but they're Cleavers, so things aren't easy.

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June's first look!

New York's finest

June's second look!

Get it, June, with that 2nd look!

Let's get a closer look at that 2nd look while the boys carry the box up the stairs in a funny way

That sure is a keen lookin' 'jector!

Old Catcher's Glove No 5

This neighbor looks nice, but wait until she smells the perfume!

Ain't MisbShavin'

This old lady wouldn't slam her door on the boys...

...but her dog might have some other ideas!

Banish the Flower of the Orient to the closet until Christmastime

Banish the Flower of the Orient to the closet until Christmastime

A note from a lawyer? I object! But not to June's third look!

"Boys, I was better than you when I was your age", basically.

Ward mansplains perseverance to June as the creepy clown cookie jar looks on!

LL Cool W

June performs a smell test

And here comes the wrinkle in Ward's plan

Ward's ingenius list

Gone exploitin' June's friendships!

Back to selling!


We didn't even tell her we were selling anything!

May the fourth be with June (JUNE'S FOURTH LOOK!)

Another look at June's fourth

Look, ma! We sold out!

Assembling the projector!

June's 5th look!

A closer look at June's 5th

June's 5th look - EXTREME CLOSEUP

THIS is the projector that came in the box

Don't thank Dad!

June's SIXTH look!

A present for Ward from the boys

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Beaver's Short Pants"

"Beaver's Short Pants"

S01E11 - June's going out of town, so she calls on her Aunt Martha for help. The kids and Ward try their best to not upset her. Jon and Louise weigh in.

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June's first look!

June's second look!

Arriving now at the Mayfield International Airport!

June's THIRD look! And introducing, Aunt Martha!

A closer that HAT!

Wally and the Beav meet their Umbrella Aunt

June's fourth/flying in an airplane look

June is just the best

This precarious cap

Beaver's short pants. Hey! That's the title of the episode!

Early to school

Hiding behind the books

The mop closet - the hottest new sandwich spot in Mayfield!

Warriors, come out and PLAY-AY!!!

Hydrating before the big fight!



June's FIFTH look

Hugh Beaumont as Ward Cleaver as Dad

Dad? More like BFF!


June's SIXTH look!

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Wally's Girl Trouble"

"Wally's Girl Trouble"

S01E10 - Wally meets a girl at Dancing School and leaves Beaver high and dry. Meanwhile, Ward is the worst and June is the best.

Let's give the people what they want - it's JUNE'S FIRST LOOK!

All ready for dancing school without putting up a fight

Falling for Penny Jameson

Larry and Beaver dancing the day away

NEW PET ALERT: It's HERBIE the toad!

Beav's best Penny Face (like a flounder)

Wally charming Ward away. HE'S SO COOL!

Is that a WEDDING RING we spot on Penny's hand?

Rebecca of Sunnybrook EMBARRASSMENT (as THE MEN/Greasers look on)

The Beaver and his friend

The Beav biding his time

Smitten Wally

Mayfield or MOW-TOWN?!

He's got it bad

Team Cleaver

June's 2nd look - more like JEANS Cleaver!

June's THIRD look

Um, excuse you, Mr. Cleaver - a BELL?!

Fishing, but somethin' ain't right

June's FOURTH look

Gotta breathe!

Peace offering

And all is back to normal

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"The Clubhouse"

"The Clubhouse"

S01E09 - The Beaver needs to raise $3 so he can join Wally, Tooey, & Eddie's club. Jon and Louise have some thoughts on the matter

Creepy clown cookie jar!

June's ONLY look

Bored Beav's Medusa window art

Strongest Cleaver Contest

Wet men

Beaver/Dog Pile

Ward checks the progress

Potential ad exec

Yeah - this guy seems trustworthy

Great poets steal

Clever Beaver Cleaver

Check out this Zac Efron/Dave Franco type

Progress on the clubhouse

Best walk in town

It's the best spittin' bridge in town!

A $1.75 story

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Beaver's Crush"

"Beaver's Crush"

S01E08 - The Beaver has a crush and Louise and Jon have a thing or two two say about it!

June's first look!

June's first look: CLOSE-UP!

Smitten lil' Beaver *heart-eye emoji*

Beaver's creepy little friends

June's second look

Ms. Rayburn works until 10pm!

Introducing ALFRED!


The break-in

The break-in

Alfred on duty

Breaking in at home!

Flat Theodore

Decoy Cleavers

Hysterical June

Foiled by Rayburn!

Classic chalkboard punishment

Snake on the lam!

A snake among friends

June's third look

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Water Anyone?"

"Water Anyone?"

S01E07 - When Wally needs money for a baseball uniform, Beaver learns a lesson about capitalism. Louise and Jon learn a lesson about communism!


Chester Anderson's place!

Wally fountain


The aftermath of Wally

Continuity check!

Introducing TOOEY BROWN!


NO WALLYS ALLOWED! No Tonys a'Dow'd?

Water, anyone?

The inside scoop


Fillin' up!

Tooey is NOT happy

Beaver is smug!

Classic June

Chester gets some relief



Beaver is swell, after all!


Getting cozy by the candlelight!


Baseball team clown car!

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Brotherly Love"

"Brotherly Love"

S01E06 - June makes Beaver and Wally sign a pact that they'll do stuff together, but when Gus invites Beaver fishing and Chester invites Wally to a football game, antics ensue. 

We know what you're here for - it's June's first look as she reads her book of Arabian poetry

Wally is PO'd because the Beaver threw his "junky old" airplane out the window

June's 2nd look, and BOY is she shocked that Ward compared the boys to apes!

We FINALLY meet Stanley the barber!

Chester Anderson not only has an extra ticket to the football game, he also is getting the haircut that Wally only wishes he could get!

Now that right there is a keen dinghy!

Reluctant nothingness

June's third look!

June's FOURTH look!

The saddest game of Chinese Checkers ever played

Telephonic suspicions

Sneaky Beaver! Windows aren't doors!

FDR had his Fireside Chats. Ward and June have their Icebox Conversations.

No wait. THIS is the saddest game of Chinese Checkers!

Where are you going?!!

Of course Ward loves liverwurst sandwiches.

Suppressed anger and the straw that broke the camel's back - FEET ON THE BED!

A man and a half and room for some fish!

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"New Neighbors"

"New Neighbors"

S01E05 - The Beaver thinks his new neighbor has the hots for him and her husband wants to kill him.

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June's First Look!

Check out that sweet periscope!

It's a boat without a bottom!

Eddie already has strong feelings about a man who owns a rowing machine.

June sees right through Eddie's BS.


Beav's smooth getaway

Eddie gives Beaver the "ol business"

Ward the handyman

Have you ever kissed any married women besides Mom?

June look: 1.5 (added apron)

Harry Donaldson: Child Murderer

Alone. You, me, the cake, and a periscope.

Harry Donaldson: English Bulldog

FINALLY! June's second look

Peace is restored. Time to trim more hedges!

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"The Haircut"

"The Haircut"

S01E04 - The Beaver is losing his money, gets Wally to help him cover it up, and their parents are considering violence on this episode of LOUISE IT TO BEAVER.


June's first look

PEARLS! All I really want is PEARLS!

Check out Wally's cool gas lamp!

"Just between us men"

June's second look

Beav doesn't know where is money is!

"That's a nice lookin' doorknob!"

Wally models the Beav's angel costume

June can't find her scissors. Where could they be?!

Just like an Airdale with the mange

The site of a fresh manipulation, courtesy of Theodore "The Beaver" Cleaver.

Surevying the damage

LYNDALE is a suburb of Minneapolis in Minnesota. Wait a second, Mayfield is a neighborhood in Minneapolis. A slip-up or intentional mis-clue?

June's third look

The hat trick!

Sneakiness = parental survival


Ward contemplates beating the tar out of Beaver


June's fourth look. BATHROBE TIME!

Beaver being a clever Cleaver

The guilty party awaiting their sentencing

Confusion O'clock in Bathrobeville

Hold up. It's CHRISTMAS?!

Carol of the Beavs

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"The Black Eye"

"The Black Eye"

S01E03 - The Beaver gets a black eye from an unlikely adversary, Ward tries to teach him how to stand up for himself, and Louise and Jon dissect every bit and piece of this episode. 

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"Natural heaven-sent beauty" // June's first look

Wally analyzes Beaver's shiner

Ward is a hungry, whiny baby

The Beav backs into the dining room

Wally's makeup handiwork

The Beaver is found out!

Ward "Tough Guy" Cleaver

That's one way to get your brother to stop talking

No fight school is complete without a life-like punching bag

The dummy fights back!

Sage advice? Not really.

Mr. Baxter is BACK - as Fred Rutherford, Ward's work bully. Note: Ward's body language.

"Violet Rutherford, you DO drink gutter water!"

Wally spills the beans

Welcome to Rancho Rutherford


Literally the funniest thing in the world

Please refer to Episode 1 (the pilot) to hear more about Mr Baxter/Rutherford's history with grabbing children

This racially insensitive child has a thing or two to say about grabbing kids


Beaver learns how to open a tab

Gum shenanigans

Ward modeling good behaviour

Adult double-standards

Relationship goals

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Jon Richardson Jon Richardson

"Captain Jack"

"Captain Jack"

S01E02 - On "Captain Jack", Wally and the Beaver send away for a pet alligator, befriend a grizzled gator guy, and become junior gator guys. Meanwhile, June and Ward wonder where their raw eggs and brandy are going.

Louise and Jon break it down beat by beat and tell you why this episode made television history.

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What a crazy looking hot dog!

What a disappointment!

June's first look

This seems like a great idea

"we got got"

Look at this little turd of a gator

June's 2nd look

Everyone grows up by an Alligator Farm, right?

The Beaver is standing uncomfortably close to Captain Jack

June's third look

TV HISTORY: The first ever televised toilet

Ward carefully measures the amount of missing brandy

The Beaver does his best Captain Jack impression

June's fourth look

The Cleavers are looking fine as hell at the Alligator Farm. Check out Wally's fly blazer!

Wally and The Beaver meet their new dog, Captain Jack. Who wrote it that way on the box? Minerva?

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